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How good is your community? What do you think about where you live?

The Outer Hebrides Community Planning Partnership would like your views.

The OHCPP Place Standard survey is online now and will be available until 31st March 2017.

Catch 23 Addiction Support Group Announcement

The C23 Addiction Support Group will be moving it's meeting day to Tuesdays at 1.30pm beginning February 7th.

There will be no group meeting next week. If you want any more information please get in touch with Donna or Del at Catch 23 on 704964.


WIAMH Annual General Meeting 25th January 2016

WIAMH AGM will held at Western Isles Foyer meeting room on Wednesday 25th January 4pm. Please feel free to attend.

If you are interested in getting involved with WIAMH at committee level and would like more information please contact the office on 704964 or e-mail

(Western Isles Foyer is based next door to the Bayhead Gift Centre just across the road from the Bridge Centre on Bayhead, Stornoway).


Merry Christmas

Everyone at WIAMH would like to wish you all a Happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you in the New Year.

A special thanks to all our volunteers and supporters who have done so much for us in 2016.

Catch 23 Opening times ober festive period

During the festive period Catch 23 will be open on…

Monday 19th December

Warm Discount Scheme 2016-2017

Some of you may eligible for the Warm Home Discount Scheme from SSE.

Alot of our client group have benefitted from this.

Please check out the link below.


We also have paper copies available at Catch 23.

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