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Breaks for Carers- a few useful links


Short Break Information for Carers and Families:

The aim of the fund is to increase the availability and choice of short breaks to support carers and those that they care for and to benefit the caring relationship. The Fund is managed by Shared Care Scotland on behalf of National Carers Organisations.

The Western Isles Community Care Forum, Time to Live Fund provides individual grants to carers in the Western Isles to allow them to arrange a short break. Contact Peggy Mackay on 01859 502 588.

The Ogilvie Trust (The Margaret Champney Rest and Holiday Fund) provides small grants to carers to have a break.

The 3H Fund provides grants to people with physical and/or learning disabilities and their carers for short breaks.

This is a Christian charity which makes grants available for UK residents of limited finances, who need a convalescent break following an illness or trauma. They provide grants to assist with short breaks that are also available to individuals caring for people with health problems or a disability.

The Disability Aid Trust provides grants to fund a carer to allow adults with a severe physical disability to have a break.

The Carers opportunity fund provides grants to people whose caring role has ended and want to develop an interest or return to work. The Short Breaks and Activity Fund and Carers Fund; provides grants for Short Breaks to people in Scotland who have Multiple Sclerosis or their carer’s.

Royal Scottish Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RSABI) provides grants for short breaks to carers and the people they care for who have worked in the Agricultural sector for more than 10 years.

Parkinson’s UK (Mali Jenkins Fund) provides grants for short breaks to people they care for who have Parkinson’s or Parkinsonism.

SAGA respite for carers trust provides grants for short breaks to people aged over 50 who are carers and live in the UK.

Take a Break Scotland provides individual grants to help families with disabled or seriously ill children or young people (up to aged 20), to have a personalised short break. The fund is administered by The Family Fund on behalf of The Scottish Government.

The Adamson Trust provides grants for short breaks to carers of disabled children and the children they care for.

The Douglas Hay Trust provides grants for short breaks to people living in Scotland with a physical disability and aged Under 18 years.