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Council Budget Consultation Paper


You may be aware that several voluntary agencies (including our landlord Penumbra), have been highlighted for cuts in their funding. If you would like to make your on feelings known please read on:

Christmas Opening Times

Catch 23 will be closed on the following dates over the festive period:

Monday 24th December, Tuesday 25th December, Wednesday 26th December

 Monday 31st December, Tuesday 1st  January, Wednesday 2nd January


CHOOSE LIFE- Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)

The next ASIST course due to be held in Stornoway on the 5th and 6th February 2013. 

The workshop

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training is a two day workshop that offers intensive training for front-line workers and community members. The emphasis is on teaching suicide first-aid to help a person at risk stay safe and seek further help as needed. ASIST provides practical training for caregivers seeking to prevent the immediate risk of suicide.

Adult Content

Attention Deficit (±Hyperactivity) Disorder is not new, and not news, but as it – or rather they – are mostly associated with children, they are conditions which have an unusual capacity to create moral panic.  This usually turns up in terms of: “Is this real, or an artefact of modern diagnostic attitudes?” – or: “Is it right to give medicines to children for behavioural problems?”.  And of course: “Is it right to medicate children who are just being naughty”?  (This particular one has always irritated me; it makes so many unspoken assumptions I find it difficult to think of a response and keep breathing.)

So this is an area where clear, easily comprehended information is likely to be welcome, right?

Enter ADHD Voices, an international (i.e. United States & English) project which intends to bring “the perspectives and experiences of children into international debates around rising child psychiatric diagnoses and the increasing use of drugs in child psychiatry”.  The project has recently released a report which can be freely downloaded and read by anyone interested.  Having done so, I must say it is informative, presented in a readable way, and probably ... though I am not a child psychiatrist [1] ... representative of the limited number of cases Iʼve been aware of.

CPN drop-in cancelled 17 October

Owing to staff shortages due to illness and scheduled annual leave on the above date there will be no CPN available for the weekly drop-in sessions.  It is expected provision of this service will continue on Wednesday 24th October. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

AGM 2012

The Association's  Annual General Meeting will be held at the Bridge Centre, Stornoway, 14th November 2012, 4.30pm.

Everyone welcome.

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